19.3.2006 | 17:25
Meiri test!

What Kind of Belly Dancer are You?

You are a Folkloric Belly Dancer! In fact, we can't even call you a belly dancer -- you prefer the term Raks Sharki or Oriental Danse. Your choreographies are spot on authentic and your costumes are the real deal. You wouldn't dream of doing a Saudi step in a Ghawazee dress. A card-carrying member of the ethnic police, you keep the rest of us in line -- the debke line, that is
Breytt 5.8.2006 kl. 17:01 | Facebook
You are an American Tribal Style Belly Dancer! So it s not one hundred percent authentic, but who cares? It looks really cool, you have a great time doing it and the costumes are fantastic. You re not into all the glitz of cabaret but you can never have too many Kuchi medallions on your turban. Undulate on, tribal chick!
Vala (IP-tala skráð) 19.3.2006 kl. 18:04
Hahahahaha! Góður þessi!!!
Soheir (IP-tala skráð) 19.3.2006 kl. 18:05
You are a Classic Belly Dancer. Your idol is Samia Gamal, and you long for the days of the Cairo greats. You re saving up for your first Madame Abla, and after that it will only be a matter of time before you star in your first Cecil B. DeMille style epic choreography. Your one regret is that the photographer they hired for your student recital wouldn t shoot you in black and white.
Margrét frænka Ellenar (IP-tala skráð) 19.3.2006 kl. 18:10
Ég var s.s. frænka Ellenar því ég var nýbúin að kommenta á hópbloggsíðu Ellenar frænku. Biðst afsökunar á óþægindunum sem þetta olli.
Margrét (IP-tala skráð) 20.3.2006 kl. 14:46
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